Dr. Amie

Struggling with Weight Loss? Why Your Thyroid May be the Cause

If you are struggling on your weight loss journey, you are not alone. It’s normal to feel extremely discouraged and frustrated when you’re doing everything right, and seemingly nothing is working. But, what if the reason you’re struggling doesn’t have to do with you at all? It’s possible that if you’ve tried everything and still aren’t seeing results, that your thyroid might be a part of the problem. A dysfunctional thyroid can sometimes cause  an inability to lose weight, and some simple supplements can help get you back on track to your weight goals.

Your Thyroid’s Role In Weight Management 

Your thyroid sits at the base of your neck and is heavily involved in metabolic and hormone regulation, which is the process by which the body converts food into energy. Those with slower metabolisms tend to burn less calories throughout the day, while the inverse is true for those with faster metabolisms. Thyroid hormones act on almost every organ in the body, potentially causing dysregulation in multiple areas, such as energy levels, muscle strength, and sleep – which may all contribute to a difficulty losing weight. While difficulty losing weight is not always on the symptom list of a dysfunctional thyroid, it can be for many. A few conditions we look at when connecting your thyroid to weight loss are:


  1. Hypothyroidism: This is when the thyroid produces too little thyroid stimulating hormone and is usually connected with a slower metabolism. This means your energy output is less throughout the day, meaning you are burning less calories. Weight gain from hypothyroidism may be due solely to water and salt retention, a slower metabolism, or both, and generally only accounts for 5-10lbs of body weight increase. 
  2. Hyperthyroidism: Conversely to hypothyroidism, this condition occurs when the thyroid is producing too much hormone. Because of a possible faster metabolism, patients with this condition don’t tend to gain much weight, but about 30% of people still do.
  3. Hashimoto’s Disease: an autoimmune disease where your immune system attacks the thyroid, causing hypothyroidism as well as a dysregulation of your metabolic functions.

Thyroid Supplements to Help With Weight Loss 

With all of this in mind – even if you don’t have one of the conditions mentioned above (its always helpful to get a simple blood test to check!) – there are amazing supplements to help keep your thyroid functioning optimally. Introducing T2, your metabolism’s new best friend. T2 is a hormone supplement that doesn’t mess with your thyroid stimulating hormones, but helps your body to


  • burn fat instead of sugar
  • increase your basal metabolic rate
  • give you natural energy to fuel your days


With our Thyroid Fixxr, formulated to do all of the above, you’ll be reaching those weight goals in no time. As part of our robust product line of formulas for thyroid health, hormone health, and vitality – Thyroid Fixxr picks up the slack that your body is maybe leaving behind. 


Other Metabolism Boosting Tips

There are other ways to boost your metabolism besides thyroid supplements. They include:

  • Exercise More / Weight Train – This increases muscle mass, which in turn creates increased fat burning mechanisms in the body.
  • Increase Sleep Quality / Quantity – This helps your body and brain repair and recover, which is critical for a healthy metabolism. 
  • Don’t Skip Breakfast – You burn calories by digesting, and you need to fuel your body for the day! Keep it balanced and low on sugar. 
  • Eat More Protein – Protein is a fat-burning compound that fuels your muscles and helps burn off excess fat in the body.

We’re Here to Help

It’s clear that your efforts or mistakes with your weight loss journey may not be totally within your control. If you’ve been trying everything, but haven’t looked into your thyroid or metabolic health, now is the perfect time to do so! At the least, learning more about your body is always a plus, and  Dr. Amie & Co. are always here to help along the way!