Dr. Amie

238. High SHBG Steals Your T3 and Your Testosterone

SHBG…Sex Hormone Binding Globulin! I bet you are going to be pissed off that your doctor did not test this lab value for you! If you are not losing weight, you don’t feel well, still suffering with low energy, no libido, no motivation, you can’t build muscle, your losing your hair, it may not be that you need to increase your thyroid medication but it may mean you need to lower your SHBG level. Having a high SHBG will bind to your free thyroid hormones, testosterone and estrogen rendering them inactive. WHOA….that is insane! So let me break down what SHBG is, what causes it and what you can do about a high or low SHBG lab value.

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Don’t know where to start…don’t know which labs are useful? And what to do when you get your results?

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